






更新时间:2024-10-12 18:40:02


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💗 《神奇四侠3百度影音》快播在线观看

《神奇四侠3》百度影音快播在线观看是一部精彩的科幻动作电影,它讲述了神奇四侠与银色滑手在宇宙中展开了一场史诗般的较量。故事 begins with the Fantastic Four on a mission to investigate a mysterious energy source in space. They soon encounter the Silver Surfer, a powerful cosmic being who has been enslaved by Galactus, a planet-devouring entity. The Surfer warns the Fantastic Four that Galactus is heading to Earth to consume it, and they must stop him at all costs.

The Fantastic Four return to Earth and begin to prepare for Galactus' arrival. They construct a powerful weapon known as the Ultimate Nullifier, which is capable of destroying Galactus. However, the Surfer, who has been freed from Galactus' control, convinces the Fantastic Four that there is another way to save Earth. He proposes that they use the Power Cosmic, a cosmic energy force, to create a new planet for Galactus to consume, thus sparing Earth.

The Fantastic Four agree to the Surfer's plan, and they set out to find a suitable planet. They eventually find a planet called Nu-Earth, which is inhabited by a peaceful alien race known as the Skrulls. The Skrulls agree to let the Fantastic Four use Nu-Earth as the new planet for Galactus, and the Fantastic Four begin to construct a new home for the Skrulls. As Galactus approaches Earth, the Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer unleash the Power Cosmic, creating a new planet for Galactus to consume. Galactus is satisfied with the new planet, and he leaves Earth in peace. The Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer have saved Earth, and they return to their normal lives as heroes.

标签:在线观看  影音  神奇四侠  

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